## version 1 ## language kewl ## codeset 0 ;; $VER: krsnake.ct 1.002 (13 Oct 1995) by Petter E. Stokke ;; This is the catalog description for KRSNAke ;; $HISTORY: ;; 13 Oct 1995 : 001.002 : Updated for KRSNAke 1.11 ;; 11 Oct 1995 : 001.001 : Initial revision ID_INGAMESTATUS SC0Re:%ld NeXT:%ld ;Score:%ld Next:%ld ID_INITIALSTATUS LiNK SiZe: [%ld,%ld] ;Link size: [%ld,%ld] ID_GAMEOVERSTATUS GaMe 0VeR! u SC0ReD %ld ;Game over! You scored %ld ID_BROKERINFO dA SNaKe GaMe ;The snake game ID_EDITPREFS ;Edit preferences... ID_EXCEPTION eXCePTi0N ;Exception ID_SAVE ;Save ID_CANCEL cAncEL ;Cancel ID_PREFS KRSNaKe PReFeReNCeS ;KRSNAke Preferences ID_OPTIONS1 0PTi0NS 1 ;Options 1 ID_OPTIONS2 0PTi0NS 2 ;Options 2 ID_SOUND S0uND ;Sound ID_COLOURS C0L0uRS ;Colours ID_PUBSCREEN PuBLiC SCReeN ;Public Screen ID_POPKEY P0PKeY ;Popkey ID_PRIORITY TaSK PRi0RiTY ;Task Priority ID_LETHAL180 TuRNS LeTHaL turns lethal ID_APPICON aPPiC0N WHeN HiDDeN ;AppIcon when hidden ID_APPMENU aPPMeNuiTeM WHeN HiDDeN ;AppMenuItem when hidden ID_FREESOUNDS fRee s0UndZ WHeN HiDDeN ;Free sound buffers when hidden ID_CONTSOUND PLaY STaRT GaMe S0uND C0NTiNu0uSLy ;Play Start Game sound continuously ID_STARTGAME STaRT GaMe ;Start Game ID_EATFRUIT eaT FRuiT ;Eat Fruit ID_CRASH CRaSH ;Crash ID_TEST ;Test ID_BACKGROUND BaCKGR0uND ;Background ID_SNAKEBODY SNaKe B0DY ;Snake body ID_SNAKEHEAD SNaKe HeaD ;Snake head ID_FRUIT1 FRuiT 1 ;Fruit 1 ID_FRUIT2 FRuiT 2 ;Fruit 2 ID_FRUIT3 FRuiT 3 ;Fruit 3 ID_FRUIT4 FRuiT 4 ;Fruit 4 ID_FILLTYPE ;Type ID_RGBTYPE RGB C0L0uR ;RGB Colour ID_DATATYPESTYPE dATaTYPeZ iMaGe ;Datatypes Image ID_GRAPHICTYPE KRSNaKe GRaPHiC ;KRSNAke Graphic ID_DRIPEN SYSTeM PeN ;System Pen ID_RED ID_GREEN GReeN ;Green ID_BLUE ;Blue ID_IMAGE iMaGe ;Image ID_FILE ;File ID_PEN ID_PUBSCREENWINDOW SeLeCT a PuBLiC SCReeN ;Select a public screen ID_PUBSCREENLIST PuBLiC SCReeNZ ;Public Screens MENUID_PROJECT PR0JeCT ;Project MENUID_ABOUT aB0uT... ;About... MENUID_QUIT ;Quit MENUID_ESC ABOUTID_TITLE aB0uT KRSNaKe ;About KRSNAke ABOUTID_MAIN KRSNaKe C0MeZ WiTH aBS0LuTeLY N0 WaRRaNTY;\n4 DeTaiLS CLiCK "WaRRaNTY".\n\nTHiZ iS FRee S0FTWaRe, & u R WeLC0Me\nT0 ReDiSTRiBuTe iT uNDeR CeRTaiN C0NDiTi0NZ;\nCLiCK "C0NDiTi0NZ" 4 DeTaiLZ. ;KRSNAke comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;\nfor details click "Warranty".\n\nThis is free software, and you are welcome\nto redistribute it under certain conditions;\nclick "Conditions" for details. ABOUTID_WARRANTY THiZ PR0GRaM iS DiZTRiBuTeD iN dA H0Pe THaT\niT WiLL B uSeFuL, BuT WiTH0uT aNY WaRRaNTY;\nWiTH0uT eVeN dA iMPLieD WaRRaNTY 0F\nMeRCHaNTaBiLiTY 0R FiTNeSS 4 a PaRTiCuLaR\nPuRP0Se. C dA GNu GeNeRaL PuBLiC LiCeNSe\n4 M0Re DeTaiLZ. ;This program is distributed in the hope that\nit will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;\nwithout even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\nPURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License\nfor more details. ABOUTID_CONDITIONS THiZ PR0GRaM iS FRee S0FTWaRe; u CaN\nReDiSTRiBuTe iT aND/0R M0DiFY iT uNDeR dA\nTeRMS 0F dA GNu GeNeRaL PuBLiC LiCeNSe aS\nPuBLiSHeD BY dA FRee WaReZ F0uNdATi0N;\neiThA VeRSi0N 2 0F dA LiCeNSe, 0R (aT Y0uR\n0PTi0N) aNY L8R VeRSi0N. ;This program is free software; you can\nredistribute it and/or modify it under the\nterms of the GNU General Public License as\npublished by the Free Software Foundation;\neither version 2 of the License, or (at your\noption) any later version. ABOUTID_BUTTONS C0NDiTi0NZ|WaRRaNTY|0K ;Conditions|Warranty|OK ABOUTID_OK ERRORID_EXCEPTION PR0GRaM CauSeD eXCePTi0N: ;Program caused exception: ERRORID_MEM N0 MeM0RY ; no memory ERRORID_OPEN C0uLD N0T 0PeN FiLe %s ; could not open file %s ERRORID_LOCK C0uLD N0T L0CK FiLe %s ; could not lock file %s ERRORID_WIN C0uLD N0T 0PeN WiND0W %s ; could not open window %s ERRORID_LIB C0uLD N0T 0PeN LiBRaRY %s ; could not open library %s ERRORID_SCR C0uLD N0T L0CK PuBLiC SCReeN %s ; could not lock public screen %s ERRORID_BREAK ***BReaK ; ***BREAK ERRORID_DOUB aReXX P0RT aLReaDY eXiSTZ! ; ARexx port already exists! ERRORID_SIG C0uLD N0T aLL0CaTe SiGNaL ; could not allocate signal ERRORID_CXBR C0uLD N0T CReaTe C0MM0DiTieZ BR0KeR ; could not create commodities broker ERRORID_OLDKRSNAKELIB KRSNaKe.LiBRaRY ReViSi0N T00 0LD ;KRSNAke.library revision too old ERRORID_NOKRSNAKE uNaBLe 2 L0CaTe KRSNaKe! ;Unable to locate KRSNAke! REPLAYID_NOGAME N0 GaMe ReC0RDeD. ;No game recorded. REPLAYID_RECORDING ReC0RDiNG GaMe... ;Recording game... REPLAYID_PAUSED ReC0RDiNG PauSeD. ;Recording paused. REPLAYID_FINISHED PReSS R 2 RePLaY ;Press R to replay REPLAYID_STOP PReSS SPaCe 2 ST0P ;Press SPACE to stop HALLID_ENTERNAMETITLE HaLL 0F FaMe! ;Hall of Fame! HALLID_ENTERNAME eNTeR UR NaMe 4 dA HaLL 0F FaMe: ;Enter your name for the Hall of Fame: HALLID_PLAYER PLaYeR ;Player HALLID_SCORE SC0Re ;Score